Welcome to our work showcase:
CSTI performs some work internally (see Applied Research) and some work in collaboration with partners (see Human Centered Design).
Research Philosophy
Science and technology are not just laboratory research outputs. Science and technology are tools that unleash the power of human potential.
Daily life is the social crucible in which science and technology innovations are validated. Everything from the coffee you drink in the morning, to the electronic device you are using to view this website.
Our goal is to assist your discovery and exploration journey by providing information and design templates for improved social and environmental impact
In a sentence Dunia ni maabara: the world is a laboratory where various experiments are going on.
Karibuni (we welcome you) to the CSTI laboratory called daily life...

Images courtesy of various artists @ Pixabay
Knowledge Transfer: Observe Nature -> Science & Technology Innovation -> Nurture Talent -> Build Industry
Kenya's economy is largely agrarian. Hence, a bio-industrialization strategy can create value addition for economic output across multiple sectors. CSTI focuses on the Science and Technology Macro Enabler component of Kenya's Vision 2030.
Effective coordination is key to the success of the Green Economy Strategy Implementation Plan (GESIP). Biobased industries are key to the OECD 2030 strategy for industrial sustainability. Pricing for raw agricultural produce is at a disadvantage when compared to the pricing for industrial goods made from industrial products. A careful balance is needed between food security and bio-industrialization with emphasis on the use of agri-waste as industrial raw material while simultaneously increasing the quality and quantity of agricultural yields for food consumption. Blue economy activities and the elimination of water scarcity while preserving the bio-diversity of aquatic species is equally important. CSTI facilitates improved bio-industrialization by acting as broker of knowledge and skills between researcher/research institution and end-users including policy makers. We accomplish this by:
collaborating with other centres with similar objectives and aims.
promoting constructive linkages between science and industry, for the enhancement of economic development
including promoting the effective use of science and technology in the food production process (food security, agriwaste, water resource management, sustainable land use, climate smart agriculture, green manufacturing & effective distribution networks)
enhancing the transfer of science and technology research results to distressed communities for economic development.
facilitating initiatives to achieve greater efficiency, through the adoption of good scientific principles, in the provision of various categories of services.
promoting the use of information and communication technologies in the transfer of science and technology.
promoting innovation in science teaching at the secondary and tertiary education levels through the incorporation of new trends in science