When areas are dry, the immediate first reaction is to dig a well or a borehole. The problem with this approach is that underground streams run dry just like above ground streams. However, it is impossible to see when the underground water table is running low.
Alternatively, instead of complaining about flooding, we can improve our ability to capture rain water. Roof top collection and water tanks (cisterns) are one approach that is common and can increase.
Tanks that collect 400,000 litres to 600,000 litres have been installed in Kenya.
Culverts are another affordable way to divert water to areas in which it can be harvested (artificial lakes and ponds) or to tracks that irrigate different parts of the farm
Those looking for business ideas can earn income by setting up distribution services for clean water. This does not mean cut off water supplies and sell dirty water that looks clean at high prices. Such acts are mafia tactics, not professional business which is focused on increasing quality service and quality products.
Remember, your goal as a green business is maximize affordable #BiologicalSafety and #BiologicalLuxury.
Ideas that can be improved with creativity and innovation.
As you can see, it is possible to solve problems without spending billions or even millions. Both water tanks and culverts are affordable rain water harvesting techniques that communities can develop using voluntary labour within the community.
Additional tips on building climate smart infrastructure
“Smart Climate Change” for Professional Societies Workshop (2012)
Climate Smart Communities are proactive in implementation. How is your community developing and implementing a smart water plan using rainwater harvesting?